Below FAQ are some common concerns of our clients before purchasing the products, if you have other questions, please just send it to
When you place an online order, it is added into our system for the warehouse to process. You will receive an automatic email as confirmation. This will provide you with your Order Number e.g. 9999, which is the number we use to reference what you have bought and where to send it to. When contacting us:
  • Email our customer service email (do not reply to the automatic email).
  • Always reference your order number and clearly state what you need to know.
  • We should reply within 24 hours, to acknowledge your query and will endeavour to answer as soon as we can.
Orders do take a bit of time to fulfil, and send out as they must be packed, checked, assigned a courier, collected, sent to distribution, and then delivered to you. When your order is sent out a second automatic email is sent to you with a tracking number. Please visit NinjaVan and enter your tracking number in their tracking tool to follow your orders progress. If there is still no progress and your courier is not responding:
  • Email our customer service email (do not reply to the automatic email).
  • Always reference your order number and when the order was placed.
  • We should reply within 24 hours, to acknowledge your request and will follow up when we have found a solution.
Fear not! We are not ignoring you. 99.99% of the time this is something you can fix. To email you, we need a correct email address. And to ship to you we need both a correct address and phone number, so that the courier knows where to deliver the parcel to and can contact you when they arrive. Please ensure you enter all your information correctly and double check! If however you are in 0.01%:
  • Email our customer service email.
  • State what you ordered, your name and any other information you have to help us find you in the system.
  • We should reply within 24 hours and will follow up to make sure you get your emails from our update robot!
We are sorry you were not able to make your purchase. Items like our masks will be restocked, so keep an eye out on our Facebook and Instagram for when we announce it or sign up to our newsletter to get updates. Our collections however will not be restocked, so if you really had your heart set on an item:
  • Email our customer service email.
  • Let us know what item you missed out on buying with the size that you want it in.
  • We should reply within 24 hours, after checking if we have the item in one of our stores.
  • If we have it, we will contact you for your details, and arrange a way for you to buy it.
  • If we don’t, we will let you know.
That is unusual. Check where you saw the item, and the information provided. Half the time the item you are looking for is exclusively available at one of our stores. The other half of the time, we have not launched the product yet and we know you are excited, but you may need to wait.
Sorry we do not do pre-orders. This is simply because all of products are made in limited batches, so that they are perfectly made and more exclusive. We want everyone to have a chance to get their own piece of paradise, so we announce when we are launching our products and then operate on the fairest principal we can, which is first-come, first-serve.
This can happen, while we do offer a wide range of payment methods, sometimes some of them have transaction issues. If you are struggling to pay for an item:
  • Email our customer service email.
  • Let us know what payment method you are using.
  • Let us know which items you are trying to purchase.
  • We should reply within 24 hours, with a solution to help you complete your purchase.
That’s fine, better to own something beautiful that fits than doesn’t. Please take note that for the following steps, the cost of delivery during an exchange will be borne by the customer:
  • Email our customer service email.
  • Always reference your order number, which item needs to be exchanged, what size you have and what size you would like.
  • We should reply within 24 hours, to arrange an exchange or an alternative if stock in the desired size is unavailable.
  • For customers in KL, we will try to arrange the exchange to happen at our flagship store House Of Patterns, UG, Bangsar Village II. We will notify you when the exchange item is in store, so that you may come to collect the correct size and return the one that you received.
  • For all customers who are unable to exchange their product we will reply and discuss the best method to courier the product back to us so that we can send the new item to you.
For specific requests like ordering a gift to be sent to someone else, gift wrapping etc. we will try our best to accommodate your request, but please follow these steps before placing your order to ensure that we are aware and can help:
  • Email our customer service email.
  • We should reply within 24 hours, to let you know if it is possible.
  • When making your order, write your request in the customer notes.
  • We will let you know when and how we have fulfilled your request.
For any custom or corporate orders please contact
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